abracadabraPDF › Forums › PDF – Général › Extract Highlighted Text in a pdf file and export those text to a other pdf file
- Ce sujet contient 29 réponses, 1 participant et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par bebarth, le il y a 3 années.
29 août 2021 à 03:41 #46651Rakesh KumarParticipant
My requirement:
User highlights the text in the file.
He selects to run batch script or button Script (whichever is possible)
all the comments are exported to a different pdf file in the below format:-some title-
Page Number – Highlighted text1
Page Number – Highlighted text2
page Number – Highlighted Text n.I already have batch script from Mr. Thom Parker which is available on the internet for doing the same but it exports it in xls, format but my requirement is to have it in a pdf format.
Hope , I can get any help .
Thanks in advance.
@Merlin -
29 août 2021 à 05:50 #69576bebarthMaître des clés
It’s a quite big job, but if the Thom’s script is what you wish except the exported format, that must be simplest to adapt it.
Please share his script.
PS I will be back in the next week.29 août 2021 à 06:27 #69577Rakesh KumarParticipantSir,
Attached is the batch script i found from Mr. Thom Parkers blog …. I need few changes in that.
1) the exported file should be in PDF format
2) it should not be in attachments. ,, the file which generates should be the actual file without summary (for now).
3) the format should be:-Some Heading –
Page No. – Type of annotation (this is optional) – Text1
Page No. – Type of annotation (optional)- Text2
and so on ..
also if possible some where in the page the time and date when the file is generated (this should i be able to hide / show according to my future requirement).I have one other script i found on Adobe Acrobat official forum which does exactly which i want but it prints the data in console not in pdf. below is that script hope that also helps
Adobe script in after the thom’s script.
@Bebarth30 août 2021 à 18:56 #69578bebarthMaître des clésHi,
Could you also share the url of the blog where you found the example.
:bonjour:31 août 2021 à 02:06 #69579Rakesh KumarParticipantthe batch script i found at : https://acrobatusers.com/actions-exchange/ go to this page and select acrobat XI and look for Create comment summary.
and the other one i didnot remember as i had saved it a long ago.31 août 2021 à 13:26 #69580MerlinMaître des clésYou should try the COMMENTS REPORT plugin which is part of the free abracadabraTools :
https://www.abracadabrapdf.net/utilitaires/utilities-in-english/abracadabratools_en/It can be customized (I can give you the source JS file) to works with Acrobat Pro, so comments will be exported as a new “Report”, which is a regular PDF file.
https://opensource.adobe.com/dc-acrobat-sdk-docs/acrobatsdk/html2015/Acro12_MasterBook/JS_API_AcroJS/Report_methods.htm?rhhlterm=report&rhsyns=%2031 août 2021 à 17:20 #69581Rakesh KumarParticipantSir,
I want the comments report that works on acrobat pro as well, in this tool it says only for acrobat Reader.Thanks
31 août 2021 à 20:41 #69582bebarthMaître des clésHi,
In fact I didn’t understand exactly your request.
I thought you wanted recovered the highlighted texts, that‘s why I told you it’s a quite big job.
I never used the Report method, so that should be great if Merlin could share his source script (by this post or in my personal email).
After a quick look on this method, I don’t know if it is possible to set the annot type you want the report.
It seems you have a report for all types…
Anyway it is possible to do that in an other way with a script.
Do you want the report in a single field? Let me know.
:bonjour:1 septembre 2021 à 03:29 #69583Rakesh KumarParticipantSir,
Request you to please edit the Mr. Thom’s script except for changing the export file as *.xls to *.pdf and make it a standalone file and not as an attachment.
I want all the highlighted text, commented text to be in the reports in the following format:
-Some Heading on top of page-
Page No. – Annotation type – Text1 (here annotation type is optional, i.e make it such a way that they can be commented out in script if necessary)
Page No. – Annotation type – Text2
Page No. – Annotation Type – Text3
and so on….
doesnot matter if this is in single field or multiple field
Thanks1 septembre 2021 à 06:04 #69584bebarthMaître des clésHi,
So, that’s what I understood the first time, but that is not what Thom or Merlin scripts are doing!!!
Both scripts don’t give you the highlighted text and it’s a big job to do that…
It’s an interesting problem, but not sure I will be able to have a look on it at the moment. I will let you know.
:bonjour:1 septembre 2021 à 08:27 #69585Rakesh KumarParticipantthe second script in the text file gives us the highlighted text also (plz check the text file i sent you the script after Thoms script it is a menu type option. it gives me the highlighted , commented etc text.. but it prints the texts in the console…… plz check that script. My requirement is exactly the same as given in that script but instead of printing in console it should be in pdf
1 septembre 2021 à 08:29 #69586MerlinMaître des clésHere is the script, I removed the “Reader only” condition.
Interesting things are beetween lines 55 and 90.Code:// abracadabraTools DC – Comments report – Lister les commentaires
if (app.viewerVariation == “Reader” && app.formsVersion > 9) {
if (app.language == “FRA”) {
var strRapComment00 = “Lister tous les commentaires du document dans la Console”; // tooltip bouton
var strRapComment01 = “Lister les commentaires…”; // menu
var strRapComment01b = “Commentaires liste”; // bouton
var strRapComment02 = “Choisir un mode de classement”;
// var strRapComment03 = “Aucun”;
var strRapComment04 = “Page”;
var strRapComment05 = “Auteur”;
var strRapComment06 = “Date”;
var strRapComment07 = “Type”;
var strRapComment09 = “Aucun commentaire n’a u00E9tu00E9 du00E9tectu00E9 dans ce document”;
else {
var strRapComment00 = “Report all document comments in the Console”; // tooltip bouton
var strRapComment01 = “Comments Report…”; // menu
var strRapComment01b = “Comments Report”; // bouton
var strRapComment02 = “Select a sort type”;
// var strRapComment03 = “None”;
var strRapComment04 = “Page”;
var strRapComment05 = “Author”;
var strRapComment06 = “Date”;
var strRapComment07 = “Type”;
var strRapComment08 = “LIST OF COMMENTS FOR DOCUMENT:”;
var strRapComment09 = “No comments were detected in this document”;
if (app.formsVersion > 9) {
// ajout du menu
// si le menu abracadabraTools n’existe pas déjà
var strNomMenu = “abracadabraTools u002A”;
if (global.aTmenu != 1) {
app.addSubMenu({ cName: strNomMenu, cParent: “Edit”, nPos: 0});
app.addMenuItem({ cName: “-“, cParent: “Edit”, nPos: 0, cEnable: false, cExec:null});
global.aTmenu = 1;
cName: “Commentaires_rapport”,
cUser: strRapComment01,
cParent: strNomMenu,
cExec: “listeDesComments(this)”,
nPos: 0,
cEnable: “event.rc = app.doc;”
listeDesComments = app.trustedFunction (function (doc) {
var aClassement = [];
// Prompt the user for the sorting type
aClassement.push({cName: strRapComment02, bEnabled: false});
aClassement.push({cName: “-“});
// aClassement.push({cName: strRapComment03, cReturn: ANSB_None});
aClassement.push({cName: strRapComment04, cReturn: ANSB_Page});
aClassement.push({cName: strRapComment05, cReturn: ANSB_Author});
aClassement.push({cName: strRapComment06, cReturn: ANSB_ModDate});
aClassement.push({cName: strRapComment07, cReturn: ANSB_Type});
var nSortType = app.popUpMenuEx.apply(app, aClassement) || ANSB_None;
// Change to true to reverse the sort order
var bReverseOrder = false;
var a = doc.getAnnots({nSortBy: nSortType, bReverse: bReverseOrder});
if (a) {
var msg = “Page %s par %s le %s”;
console.println(strRapComment08 + this.documentFileName + “rrr”);
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
console.println(util.printf(msg, 1 + a.page, a.author, util.printd(“yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:ss”, a.creationDate)));
console.println(a.contents + “rr”);
else {
console.println(strRapComment08 + this.documentFileName + “]rr”);
// app.alert({cMsg: crop13, cTitle: strTitreId, oCheckbox: oCase, nIcon: 2, nType: 2})
// icône comments report
var strIconComReport = “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”;
// ajout du bouton
var oIconComReport = {count: 0, width: 20, height: 20, read: function(nBytes) {return strIconComReport.slice(this.count, this.count += nBytes);}};
var comReportBouton =
{cName: “Commentaires-rapport”,
cExec: “listeDesComments(this)”,
cEnable: “event.rc = event.target != null”,
cMarked: “event.rc = false”,
cTooltext: strRapComment00,
oIcon: oIconComReport,
cLabel: strRapComment01b};
try{app.removeToolButton(“comReport”);} catch(e){}
try{app.addToolButton(comReportBouton);} catch(e){}
// menu Aide
// si le menu Aide abracadabraTools n’existe pas déjà
if (global.aTmenAide != 1) {
if (app.language == “FRA”) {
var strMenAide00 = “abracadabraTools”;
var strMenAide01 = “Support & assistance…”;
// var strMenAide02 = “Tu00E9lu00E9chargement”;
var strMenAide02 = “Actualisation…”;
var strMenAide03 = “https://www.abracadabrapdf.net/?p=111”;
var strMenAide04 = “Site web”;
var strMenAide05 = “https://www.abracadabrapdf.net/”;
else {
var strMenAide00 = “abracadabraTools”;
var strMenAide01 = “Support & Assistance…”;
var strMenAide02 = “Check for update…”;
var strMenAide03 = “https://www.abracadabrapdf.net/?p=972”;
var strMenAide04 = “Web Site”;
var strMenAide05 = “https://www.abracadabrapdf.net/?p=1591”;
app.addMenuItem({ cName: “-“, cParent: “Help”, nPos: 21, cEnable: false, cExec:null});
app.addSubMenu({ cName: strMenAide00, cParent: “Help”, nPos: 22});
app.addMenuItem({ cName: strMenAide04, cParent: strMenAide00, nPos: 0, cExec: “app.launchURL(strMenAide05);”,});
app.addMenuItem({ cName: strMenAide02, cParent: strMenAide00, nPos: 1, cExec: “app.launchURL(strMenAide03);”,});
app.addMenuItem({ cName: strMenAide01, cParent: strMenAide00, nPos: 2, cExec: “app.launchURL(‘https://abracadabrapdf.net/forum/’);”,});
// altération de la variable
global.aTmenAide = 1;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1 septembre 2021 à 08:35 #69587Rakesh KumarParticipantSir,
I copied the script but the same is not showing in the acrobat pro1 septembre 2021 à 12:19 #69588bebarthMaître des clésHi,
the second script in the text file gives us the highlighted text also…
You are rigth, I will have a look soon.
:bonjour:1 septembre 2021 à 16:14 #69589Rakesh KumarParticipantThe second script is a menu item, but i don’t know if it works for both pro and reader … I tested on pro .. it works on pro but not sure about reader ….. will be helpful if it works on both.
1 septembre 2021 à 19:33 #69590bebarthMaître des clésHi,
If you wish add a field to display the result and save this result that will only be done with Acrobat Pro.
That seems rather simple. I’ll send you the new script tomorrow.
:bonjour:1 septembre 2021 à 20:31 #69591MerlinMaître des clésSave this script as a .js file and place it in your Acrobat’s JavaScripts folder.
2 septembre 2021 à 03:50 #69592Rakesh KumarParticipant2 septembre 2021 à 07:58 #69593MerlinMaître des clésDownload this attachment and install it.
It’s a version made for you.2 septembre 2021 à 10:38 #69594Rakesh KumarParticipantStill no menu showing up under the edit menu
2 septembre 2021 à 14:28 #69595bebarthMaître des clésHi,
Here is the adaptation I did (modifications are indicated after the lines // bebarth). I tried to create a new page and save the file but couldn’t! I think it’s a problem of trustedFunction.
If you find how to do that, let me know… Merlin, an idea?
Change the extension of the attached file from .txt to .js then place the file in the JavaScript folder of your Acrobat Pro.
The script will indicate the words highlighted, but don’t forget the note indicated in the original script:Code:* Text returned may not always match exactly the text covered by the highlight.
* This is mainly dependent upon two things: 1) whether a word is adjacent to
* punctuation or not, and 2) whether whole words or partial wordsare highlighted
* or not.…and then, you can execute from the console:
Code:this.deletePages({nStart: 1, nEnd: this.numPages-1});
this.saveAs(this.documentFileName.replace(/.pdf/i, ” (Highlighted Texts in a Field).pdf”));@+
:bonjour:3 septembre 2021 à 15:14 #69596Rakesh KumarParticipantSir,
This isn’t working, when i run the script from the console it deletes all pages and left with first page of the document .
3 septembre 2021 à 16:08 #69597bebarthMaître des clésHi,
Did you change the .txt extension of the file in .js then placed it in the JavaScript folder of Acrobat ?
You also have to restart Acrobat then you execute the “Copy Annotated Words – bebarth Version” menu.
After saving with the 2-line script from the console, you should get a file like the one attached!
:bonjour:4 septembre 2021 à 06:02 #69598Rakesh KumarParticipantYes, i did exactly the same, i am the getting menu also,, but when i click the menu the highlighted text is shown in console, and after i copy your 2 line script to console and run it deletes all the pages except for first page of the original file and save it save As with just the content of the first page of the original file .
4 septembre 2021 à 06:16 #69599bebarthMaître des clésDo you have exactly the same menu with “bebarth Annotation”?
Did you remove from the JS folder the old file?
:bonjour:4 septembre 2021 à 07:34 #69600MerlinMaître des clésRakesh Kumar, why can’t you use the Acrobat Pro embedded tool “Create Comment Summary” ?
It look like we are trying to reinvent the wheel.4 septembre 2021 à 07:50 #69601bebarthMaître des clésMerlin,
Rakesh Kumar doesn’ want recover the comments but the highlighted texts!
:bonjour:13 septembre 2021 à 01:49 #69602Rakesh KumarParticipantSir,
I want both comments , highlighted text to be extracted.
@Berlin Sir, i didnot remove the old js file.Thanks
13 septembre 2021 à 07:10 #69603bebarthMaître des clésHi,
So, is that working better?
This script only extract the text, not the comments!
I’m still in vacation this week :soleil: . I will have a look on next week…
:bonjour:13 septembre 2021 à 10:17 #69604MerlinMaître des clésI want both comments , highlighted text to be extracted.
So I repeat my question :
Rakesh Kumar, why can't you use the Acrobat Pro embedded tool “Create Comment Summary” ?
It look like we are trying to reinvent the wheel.10 janvier 2022 à 16:20 #70341bebarthMaître des clésHi,
I’ve just finished a script that should meet this request.
Thanks to let me know if you or somebody else is interested by this script.@+
😎 -
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