Hyperlink Maker is also available as a free plugin for Acrobat Reader, Pro and Standard as a part of abracadabraTools: https://www.abracadabrapdf.net/?p=972
Hyperlink Maker adds hyperlinks to all occurrences of the searched word in a PDF document.
Hyperlink Maker is a “custom command” for Acrobat Pro DC.
Hyperlink Maker is free.
Acrobat Pro offers two tools for adding hyperlinks in a PDF document, but these are “manual” tools that require hyperlinks to be created one by one, which can quickly become tedious.
Hyperlink Maker automates the creation of hyperlinks, you just have to specify the word to search for, the target of the hyperlink and the possible underline color.
Hyperlink Maker is as easy to install as it is to use (language detection is automatic):

Special thanks to Thom Parker and his tool acrodialogs which greatly facilitates the creation of complex dialogs in JavaScript.